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Taffeltop Bullies

Race:  Human
Coach:  Søren N
Assembled from the worst scum of holigans in the Bloodbowl league, Count von Taffeltop, has succesfully changed this group of Evil Men, into a successfull team of their own, bringing the figth in the streets and in the crowd into the game itself...

Taffeltop Bullies team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Mar. 18th, 2003 - old news
Caugth by surprise, the Death Extravagante, faced their own "death" by the Bullies. In a close race the mighty Oern Eagleeye rose to the occation, with an interception, 3 passes and punishment to the long-ears who stood in his way, not undeservingly he could add Man of The match to his row of trophies. Moreover, brilliant coaching from both sides, characterized this match, with the marginal extra effort of the Bullies in man-o-man showdown, ending the match in favor for the Boys from Taffeltop. Now, it seems, that the possibility to enter the play-offs is within arms-length for the Taffeltop Bullies.
- Søren N
Tournaments played:
season X
Trophies won:

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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