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Edmund Kiss

Edmund KissBounty of 20 kgpdead
The Dead Diggers team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 1
Casualties: 20  (2 were kills!)
MVP awards: 10
Star Player Points: 93
MA ST AG AV Skills
4 3 2 8 Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Dauntless, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Dead Diggers - Scum of the Earth (Season XXVII, cross-over 7)
and Scum of the Earth took the 20 000 gp bounty.
Before Edmund Kiss found his true calling as a blood bowl player for The Dead Diggers he was an author of several obscure books often with a mythical and/or archaeological theme such as Die letzte Königin von Atlantis and La Puerta del Sol and the Doctrine of Tiahuanacu Ice Universal Hörbiger. In the latter book he argued for the fact that ancient norsemen build the famuos ruins at Tiwanaku in Bolivia. Since his appearance on the diggers team his skill of writing has become increasingly poorer.Despite of this he is a valued player on the team and we have high hopes for his future career.

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