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Insaniac Whiney

Insaniac Whineydead
Addicted Lunatics Clan team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 10
MVP awards: 6
Star Player Points: 50
MA ST AG AV Skills
3 7 3 6 Ball & Chain, No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stunty, Block, Mighty Blow, Dodge

Sustained Injuries: -AV  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Addicted Lunatics Clan - Kortben & Ko (Season XXV, cross-over 3).
- "Goblin Fanatic-.. Insane of Course"

The goblins have forty-two different words for "ow."
The Fanatics have heard them all.

-Team Fungi Effort:
Leader of the Specialist Squad.
Suffered a Fractured Skull in
Addicted Lunatics Clan - Dungheap Jinx (Season XVIII, cross-over 8), but that have not slowed this crazy gobber down.
Recieved two Mvpīs to get his first skill, learning Block,
The first one at the end of season 18,
and the second and third in round 4 and 5 in season 19.
Joined the team before the fourth match first season Addicted Lunatics Clan - Dungheap Jinx (Season XVII, cross-over). Since then he managed to have his career in 16 matches, during season 17, 18 and 19, without causing a single casualty, (It would have been 18, but he were MNG for two matches).
Caused his First Casualty of his Career, gaining Mighty Blow, in the first match of his fourth season, Addicted Lunatics Clan - Great Danes (Season XX, cross-over 1).

Killed by Carl Hangman, as well as by 1 other dwarf, 2 hob goblins and MorgīNīThorg. - Bounty set.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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