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Match result

season XIII, round 2
Team badge
Silverado Snakeskins

gate: 75 000
6 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Stone Curve


profile Tripping Of Little Feet retired
profile Tripping Of Little Feet retired
profile George retired
profile George retired
El Diablo retired
profile George retired
TD Scorers
profile Huttenfield Knuckles retired
Foulers (no cas)

Phyllip retired
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Harald Brimstone Bounty (10000 gp)

profile Dr. Klawfinger retired
Serious Injurers
profile Harald Brimstone Bounty (10000 gp)

profile George retired
Completions By
profile Willow Beardstrapper retired
profile Truid Slugger retired
Interceptions By

profile Ford retired
MVP awards to
profile Graham Smashbuckler
Sustained Injuries

victim healed by apoth
Miss Next Game
profile Willow Beardstrapper retired
Result added September 14th, 2004

Match notes
In a one sided match the Lizzard had a walkower against a pure playing dwarf team. the Lizzards were helped to great start by getting a perfect defense, and a blitz on the two first kick offs, and as the dwarfs made a turn overs one the first block trown in both turn 1 and turn 2, the Snakeskins had an early 2-0 lead. This was extendet to 4-0 at halftime as the dwarfs made desperate playes to try to catch up.
Second half was a more even afair even though it quickly became 5-0, but when Snakeskins messed up a few block it was an easy td for Stone Curve. But Snakeskins was not done, making an additional TD.
4 times the fans gave the skins a reroll, and twice they took care of the ref. Guess they was borred by the lack of blood on the field.
All in all Stone Curve got of to a bad start, and was never able to claim back against a well playing team.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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